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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Alchemist

 Hey Guys!

I know there's always a big gap between my postings, but the older I get the busier I become. As you know I've started my Freshman year in Highschool so that's Dope. I'm actually having a great time.

I joined Cross Country and it has been a cool experience. The season has ended for that so now I'm just having a good time in dancing classes. Maybe one day I'll share with you some of my killer moves. Don't hold your breath though.


Well now let's get into it. The latest book I read is called The Alchemist, written by Paulo Coelho in 1988. This book is about a Shepard boy who dreamt of treasures near Pyramids in the desert. At first, he thought it was a regular dream until a mysterious guy told him to follow his dream which eventually he called a "Personal Legend". The Shepard decided to sell his sheep and go in search of his destiny, and it definitely wasn't an easy adventure. The boy went through many struggles during his search. He couldn't just walk to the desert, he had to find new ways to make money, since he sold hit sheep. The closer the boy got to finding his treasure the more problems he faced, but he still pushed through with help from the universe and his understanding of the language of the world. If you want to know if he found the treasure, read the book to find out.

I personally enjoyed this book for multiple reasons. One of my favorite things to do is watch anime so this made me think of The FullMetal Alchemist anime. Outside of anime, I liked this book because I felt as if it was meant for me to read-like it was a sign. The book talks about the Shepard following his dream but I feel like it has inspired me to follow mines. It also has many lessons like nothing ever comes easy and never giving up even when life pushes you to your limits. I really recommend this book to everyone, it might inspire you. Anyway, Thank You for reading my blog, and always have a wonderful day.


1 comment:

Melissa said...

I used to love this blog! I came across it on accident, but I’ve enjoyed reading about some of these books. I looked up that erased cartoon, I liked it. I haven’t seen anything posted in a while, what have you been reading? Any new animes?